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How did Iohannis’ lawyer snitch the dissident Iulius Filip

De: Cancan 13/04/2019 | 20:04
How did Iohannis’ lawyer snitch the dissident Iulius Filip

Shocking reveal made by the lawyer Ingrid Mocanu on her Facebook page. Everything started from „Iulius Filip case’’, the dissident that Augustin Lazăr denied his release from Aiud penitentiary back in the 80’s. The lawyer Ingrid Mocanu sustains that the dissident Iulius Filip was „snitched’’ in prison by Gheorghe Mușat. Only that he’s not just somebody, he’s actually… the present lawyer of Klaus Iohannis. Besides Klaus Iohannis, in the portfolio of the lawyer Gheorghe Mușat there are also other great names, among which Marco Hossl, CEO Kaufland România and CANCAN.RO, no 1 website in România reveals incendiary information regarding this subject.

The lawyer Ingrid Mocanu sustains on her Facebook page that the dissident Iulius Filip was „snitched’’ in prison by an undercover employee of the State Security who had the conspirative name of MIRON. And she also writes ‚’the group of the happy torturers gathered to destroy lives and to break destinies’’. The lawyer Ingrid Mocanu also refers, speaking for the ‚’Romanian Aktuality’’ talkshow, moderated by Sorina Matei on B1 TV television channel.

Iulius Filip was snitched in prison by an undercover employee of the State Security who had the conspirative name of MIRON, says Sorina Ruxandra Matei in her talkshow. This Miron is Gheorghe Mușat, the lawyer of Iohannis in the prosecution file of his houses. Mușat ‚’was officer of the State of Security for thirteen years (1970-1983), then, he’s a reserve and becomes a lawyer. In 1984 he’s arrested because he revealed to some people he knew that he was an employee of the State of Security and he’s sentenced to prison. He’s in detention for four years in Aiud, where he’s again recruted by the State of Security as a snitch, under the conspirative name of MIRON. He fullfils his duty and gathers one hundred informative notes about his cellmates, most of them politically sentenced’’, notes Ingrid Mocanu, news also taken by

Gheorghe Mușat (conspiracy codename MIRON) is released on parole

The dissident Iulius Filip was, of course, among those who the present lawyer of Klaus Iohannis „snitched’’ whithout having any regret. And, at a certain moment, for a „good behavoiur’’, Gheorghe Mușat is released on parole.

Now do you understand the connections of Iohannis with the ex Security of State? A snitch employee of the Security of State, the one who also snicthed Filip (like they were saying, you had to become a snitch to be released on parole), is his lawyer and he names as Public Prosecutor the one who was tortuary prosecutor. How could he dismiss the tortuary of Iulius Filip if he takes Filip’s snitch as his lawyer?”, Ingrid Mocanu is writing on Facebook.

Sorina Matei: „The Officers of the Security of State who terrorized  Iulius Filip’’

In a short presentation of her talkshow from 12th of April 2019, Sorina Matei promised exclusive reveals:









And many others. Believe me it’s #not #to be #missed.’

Indeed, those who watched the talkshow “The Romanian Aktuality’’ from B1 TV, found out with surprise, shocking information. Gheorghe Mușat, present lawyer of  Klaus Iohannis – and other important names, see CEO Kaufland România, Marco Hossl – was undercover officer of the Security of State and because he ‚’whistled in the church’’, got into Aiud prison, where he was ‚’conscientious’’, snitching those who were politicaly sentenced to prison. Among them being, of course, the dissident Iulius Filip.

Sorina Matei: „Those people live different realities’’

Sorina Matei insisted, from the very beginning, in saying that all those who took part in the mechanism of repression of PCR should never have public jobs of maximum importance – see the situation of the Public Prosecutor Augustin Lazăr. Nevertheless things get complicated when the president Iohannis defends Augustin Lazăr, the president of Romania being defended by the lawyer Gheorghe Mușat. This one being the one who while prisoned in Aiud, in the 80’s, was „snitching’’ the great dissident Iulius Filip.

And the incontestable triangle of interests – Klaus Iohannis, Augustin Lazăr, Gheorghe Mușat-MIRON – demonstrates, says Sorina Matei, that these people ”live in other realities’’.

Around Iulius Filip there were many informative notes’’, says Sorina Matei in her talkshow, „his evaluation being made exclusively regarding these informative notes’’.

The sourse of this informative note, says Sorina Matei, is really MIRON, meaning Gheoghe Mușat, the present lawyer of president Klaus Iohannis. Each move, each word of Iulius Filipis described by the present lawyer of president of Romania with details, noticing the permanent ‚’ attention’’ that he was paying to the dissident he was chasing.

The present lawyer of Klaus Iohannis insists – in the content of the informative note – that the dissident Iulius Filip  „disputes the PCR activity’’, sustaining, among others, that the Romanian press ‚’disinforms’’. Gheorghe Mușat-MIRON is writing to the Security of State that Iulius Filip declares in front of his cellmates that in Romania ‚’monocracy was established’’.

Paradoxically – it comes from the information transmitted by Sorina Matei – this kind of characters who colaborated with the communist regime are now talking about democracy and erased their own infamous past.

Iulius Filip – ‚’Fodor’’ prosection file

Iulius Filip, whose conspiracy codename in the prosecution file was „Fodor’’, is an anticommunist dissident and was Romanian political prisoner, his name was involved in a recent press scandal, when a newspaper acussed that Filip hadn’t been released from prison during the communist period because Augustin Lazăr wouldn’t have allowed him to.

Iulius Filip wrote to Augustin Lazăr in 1986, from behind bars, when the prosecutor was the president of the Parole Board from Aiud:

I’m asking you Romanian brother, even if you form part from the Repression Mechanism – don’t you hear the pain and the groan of the Romanian people? Can’t you see this rich and beautiful country with dilligent people has become poor? Which do you think that are the reasons, being at your level? Why do you think I’m in prison? In my opinion the two prisons Aiud and Gherla are the shame of Ardeal, of Romania, of Europe, not to say of the world? Have you asked yourself how many Romanian brothers have passed by? Have you ever wondered why history and present time didn’t turn these prisons into a museum? (or other destination)’’, it is shown in the letter published by the Center of Historical Consultance.

Augustin Lazăr has catalogued as barbarousness the declarations based on which the prosecutor was releasing and prisoning somebody in a penitenciary. Lazăr hasn’t excluded that among files could have been the one of the dissident Filip, but he sustains that everything was mathematically calculated as sustains.

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